I'm a designer with a blended background: Bachelor's in Computer Science and a Master's in UX Research & Design Innovation (I will be very happy to show you my thesis 😬)
Right after my under-grad, I landed a job as a Software Engineer (Java) but after a few months I decided to move onto front end development as I thought I could use my creativity somehow into it. During the next 3 years I worked onto mobile applications, web apps and websites as a UI Developer. During this period , I interacted with designers, technology researchers, product owners and this experience intrigued me a lot. I started taking part voluntarily into the UI design processes with my colleagues at work.
Being a part of the Product development team, I would often find myself having creative conflicts with the UI designers & Product owners. I was fascinated by the 'Why' behind the code I was writing. This led me to exploring the field of UX, and after a few side projects and freelance work, I fell in love with the art of problem solving.
I love working in the space where my mind and my hands meet.
I try to leverage my understanding of technology and analytical skills from software engineering background and utilise the human centric, Design Thinking mindset I gained to design effective & meaningful solutions.
Feel free message me on LinkedIn or via email - I love meeting new people!