Sept 2018 - Nov 2019
To investigate, re-imagine and improve the Dublin airport car-parking experience.
Team of 2 UX Designers and Product manager
Design Thinking model
Field Observations
User interviews and Personas
Assumption Mapping and Business Canvas Model
UX research on the whole parking experience and covering all major user flows and touch points. This is a case study based project based on a live situation. Purely focused on end user and the over all service experience. The expected deliverable is supposed to be a service be it digital or something tangible.
The team was given strict timeline with clear deliverables. Some of the data from the study could not be shown here on public domain for NDA purposes.
The purpose of this study is to re-imagine and improve the car-parking experience under the guise of the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA). The task given is to investigate and challenge current
products, services and wider business model, so that they do better by the
customer and secure success into the future.
Operated by DAA, Dublin airport is located 5.4 in north of Dublin in Collinstown, Fingal. In 2017, over 29.5 million passengers passed through the airport, making it the airport's busiest year on record. Airport offers 15,500 long-term and 3,100 short-term car parking spaces.
The project aims at providing an optimised solution for Dublin Airport Car parking and enhance customer experience and management.
Specific points asked to be taken into consideration while problem solving are :-
Project Timeline :-
The team conducted 12 interviews with flyers that use the parking services frequently at the airport. Collected data is used to create a journey map for each. Empathy maps are then derived from the data collected used to uncover their pains and gains. Insights collated and formed the backbone of How Might We statements.
Personas based on interviews :-
As a part of the research, the team did the SWOT Analysis and also placed the DAA under Porter's 5 forces evaluation for understanding the competitiveness of the business environment, and for identifying the strategy's potential profitability.
For NDA purpose, that information can not be shared here on public domain.
In the brainstorming session, we decided and challenged ourselves to come up with 100 suggestions. Keeping the focus on the insights, data collected and the final How might we statements, ideation and concepts generation is practiced. Specific rules for this ideation were to have the mind of a child, full of curiosity and creativity. Having no blinkers and all ideas are good ideas approach was chosen by the team.
The ideas were clustered and voted on leading to our top concepts.
The aim at this stage is to quickly come up with concepts based on the ideas chosen in the previous exercise and get stakeholder's feedback on it.
Concept 1 – Digital Display on bus stop
People who are waiting for the bus , would know when the next bus is coming. Delight the customer by relieving stress.
Concept 2 – Walkway from Parking till airport. (WILD)
Forget the bus, take control - just hop on.
Concept 3 (THE CHOSEN ONE 🧙🏻) – Real time car space availability data.
Visual analysis of the parking area using the sensors and software to detect unoccupied spaces. Additionally,identifies if parking is in no parking zone.
Final concept was chosen based on Desirability, Feseability and Viability canvas exercise with the stakeholders
The final concept is decided after feedback from stakeholders to have new features, integrated into the current web application/ mobile app and then test using mock-up screens and video.