My name is Pranjal,I am a product designer based in Dublin currently working with Microsoft.
I am also an avid alpaca 🦙 enthusiast.

I love translating human insights into impactful, innovative & meaningful solutions.


👇🏻 Scroll down to see some of my work

My name is Pranjal,I am a product designer based in Dublin currently working with Microsoft.
I am also an avid alpaca 🦙 enthusiast.

I love translating human insights into impactful, innovative & meaningful solutions.

👇🏻 Scroll down to see some of my work

Automation Tool

Automation • B2B • UX 

A system that prioritises the automation of a complex process, eliminates any potential possible manual errors and delivers efficiency

UX/UI case study

Research • UX • Ethnography

The challenge seeks to investigate, re-imagine and improve the car-parking experience at the Dublin airport delighting the present customers and expand the market for DAA